Get a Complete Well Pump Installation in Millersburg, PA

At Universal Solar, LLC, we want you to have access to water despite any power outage. Our simple pump it’s meant to function even during outages, so you don’t have to worry about having fresh water until the power is restored. But overall, this pump can also be used as a backup or main pump. If you’re looking for a well pump installation, you’ve come to the right place! We offer a dependable hand-operated solar well pump to Millersburg, PA, and the surrounding areas.

Discover What Our Pump Services Can Do for You

Functionality & Efficiency at Once

At Universal Solar, LLC, we’re all about helping our community to become green and energy-dependent. As such, we offer a reliable sump pump installation service.

Our simple pump has the following features:

  • It can pump up to five gallons of water per minute into your pressurized home plumbing.
  • It can be used as a safe and stable water source for a wide range of irrigation systems.
  • This pump can run 24/7 all year long.
  • It’s great for monitoring and sampling after the pump installation.
  • Ability to pump further down compared to other products – as deep as 325 feet.
  • It works well under freezing temperatures without needing a pump house.
  • It requires minimal force; even children can use it.
  • It fits into any well that’s four inches or wider.
  • It has a low-power draw DC motor.
  • Its lifespan is over 50 years and five-year parts warranty.

Request Your Installation

A Well Pump You Can Depend On

Work with our well pump installation team in Millersburg, PA, to have reliable fresh water to drink and use at all times! Get in touch with our team to request your installation and get a free estimate!

Our Full Range of Services

Become energy-independent and request your off-grid solar system installation!

Off-Grid Solar System

Save money while ensuring your energy is never wasted!

Grid-Tied System

Keep vital lighting running during any power outage.

Grid Interactive System

Get a green source of energy and reduce the environmental impact of your property.

Solar Panel Installation & Repairs

Enjoy having fresh water even during power outages.

Simple Pump

Save on energy costs and power your business with reliable commercial solar.

Commercial Solar Installation

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